

Web Scraping

  • Scrape the comprehensive data recorded by PSA on public sales of certified cards from the Auction Prizes register on their website

Basic Analysis

  • Compute the compound annual growth rate (CAGR) and numbers on the grade distribution, record unusual grade types and plot the prizes over time


Clone the package to a local directory:

$ git clone

Install the dependency manager Poetry:

$ curl -sSL | python

Change directory to /psa-prizes/ and install dependencies:

$ cd psa_prizes
$ poetry install


Specify the cards and grades of interest in /input/input.csv (Click for an example):

  • Paste the respective item link to the first column

  • Write the respective grades to the second column as a list in Python syntax

If you write in the file through a GUI-based program, make sure to keep ; as the only column delimeter.

Run PSA-prizes:

$ poetry run psa-prizes

Data, information and plots are saved to /output/. Additionally, the information is printed to the terminal and the plot is pictured for each card-grade pair. An example output is shown below.

– The compound annual growth rate from 2016 to 2020 is 61.13%.
– The number of cards with grade 8.0 is 119 of 562 cards. That is 21.17%.
– Over all grades, 6 of 562 cards do not receive standard grades. These grades are in {'Authentic', 'nan'}